Here's a write up of my workshop I hosted in collaboration with Manchester Codes in November!

You can find the slides here and the recording here.

For accessibility I have added alt text for the infographics in a drop down under each one.


About me and disclaimer


Hello! I'm Parul and I'm a Senior JavaScript Recruiter at Manhattan Partners. You can read more about me here. I'm a scouser living in Manchester. I've been in recruitment for over 3 years, and recently started learning to code in my spare time. I run Manchester Web Meetup, volunteer with CodeYourFuture and I'm an ADHD and mental health advocate too. I spend too much money on eating out in Manchester and overpriced G&T's.

You can reach me on LinkedIn here or Twitter here.


As Brits, we are so bloody awkward when its come to talking about money, most people don't like talking about how much they earn. It's such a great feeling when you get to the end of a lengthy interview process with a company you really want to work for to end up getting an offer below what you were asking for then you're in a difficult position of taking the easy option and accepting the first offer, or negotiating.


A bitter pill to swallow is that, "get paid what you're worth" only goes so far. The people who get paid better than others with the same job title may not be better, they simply negotiate more. Hence "get paid what you're worth" becomes "Get paid what you ask for".

I've met average devs who are being paid much higher than their more competent counterparts, and thats because they know how to get what they want - and why wouldn't you do that if you could?

The Great Resignation is upon us so there couldn't be a better time to go out and push for what you want. Companies will try and save money where they can.

What is negotiation and why is it important to negotiate?